RTFRD Rice Transcription Factor Regulation Database is a database of predicted regulatory relationships between transcription factors (TFs) and target genes based on co-expression, and also combines promoter analysis and ChIP-seq peaks analysis which are used to improve the accuracy of the relationship between TF and targets. RTFRD contains 2408 transcription factors from PlantTFDB. In terms of expression, RTFRD collected 149 rice unique RNA-seq data from GEO database of NCBI, and calculated the expression of transcription factors and protein-coding genes in all RNA-seq samples by conventional RNA-seq analysis pipelines. The correlation between transcription factors and target genes was calculated online based on the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC). From the perspective of prediction of TF motif and promoter binding, RTFRD utilized the FIMO software to obtain 5,063,594 TF-promoter binding pairs. From the perspective of ChIP-seq, RTFRD collected ChIP-seq datasets of 33 transcription factor immunoprecipitation from GEO database of NCBI, which covered 11 transcription factors, and obtained 126,167 peaks which was used to verify the regulatory relationship of specific TF target genes.
Transcription factor family statistics